2007 Club Columbia Recurrent Training Program Registration

Please Use This Form to Register for the CRTP.  Please fill in all applicable fields.

Ground/Flight Instruction $1300
Ground/Flight Cancellation Insurance $250
Ground Only $650
Ground Only Cancellation Insurance $125

We have 16 flight openings and unlimited ground openings. If we run out of flight openings we will contact you to see what your preference is. Flight opening are assigned based on date of the receipt of your check.

Please mail your checks to-

Club Columbia
%Richard Page
420 Highland Oaks Circle
Southlake TX 76092

You will receive information on insurance documentation requirements and other details of the training once we have received your check.

Refund Policy

The course fee (Ground + Flight) is $1300 a Ground Only option will also be offered for $650. Full refunds will be available if cancellation is received 45 days prior to the date of the course. After that point CRTP will be committed to the cost of the facilities / instructors / meals and will not be able to refund course fees regardless of the reason for the cancellation.

Cancellation Insurance

CRTP will offer Cancellation Insurance for $250 (Ground+Flight) or $125 (Ground only), this is in addition to the course fee. The Cancellation Insurance will provide a full refund of course fees regardless of the reason for or timing of the cancellation. Experience has shown that last minute cancellations occur for a variety of unforeseen personal, professional, and weather-related reasons; participants are strongly encouraged to consider purchasing the Cancellation Insurance. If we see too many cancellations we may have change the policy.

The insurance is good till the Friday of the event. Once you arrrive we assume you have an airworthy ship with all problems resolved. The club can not be responsible for mechanical problems once the event starts. As all the activities and people will be present. We will try to have a CARMA help you as best as we can, to get you back in the air.

Pilot Replacement

If you have to cancel (whether you have insurance or not) and can find some one to take your place, it is both your and your replacements responsibility to notify CRTP of the change. These changes must be done 30 days prior to the class starting. This will allow time for the replacement pilot to be contacted by his CRTP CFI and for CRTP to receive the needed insurance documentation for the replacement pilot.

Addition CRTP information can be found here.


Name of 1st Attendee 
   Street Address 
  Address (cont.) 
  Zip/Postal Code 
       Cell Phone 
       Home Phone 

Aircraft Owned (if any):


Serial Number:

Select a session:

Will you be including the flight portion?

Club Columbia Website Username  


Addition CRTP information can be found here.

Club Columbia
Copyright © 2006-2007 [Club Columbia]. All rights reserved.