This is a list of files needed by PhotoPost for normal operation: data/* forums/* help/* images/* languages/* stylesheets/* templates/* uploads/* adm-cats.php adm-inc.php adm-index.php adm-misc.php adm-photo.php adm-users.php bulkupload.php comments.php config-inc.php config-int.php ecard.php editphoto.php header-inc.php image-inc.php inc_features.php inc_photopost.php index.php member.php misc.php pp-inc.php register.php search.php showfull.php showgallery.php showmembers.php showphoto.php slideshow.php uploadphoto.php useralbums.php watermark.php The following files are only needed during the install or upgrade process and should be removed when you have finished: CHANGELOG.TXT install.php UPGRADE.TXT upgrade.php and, of course, this file filelist.txt and CHANGELOG.TXT files do not need to be uploaded.