Club Columbia is a not-for-profit membership organization established to educate, promote the safety of
and support the owners and pilots of certified aircraft manufactured by Columbia Aircraft Manufacturing Corp.
More About Club Columbia (Including Contact Information)Membership Benefits

Visit Club Columbia at AOPA Expo 2006!

See the Calendar Page
for events after December 09, 2006.
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  • CPPP Weather Site - Links to a variety of weather pages, as described in the CPPP.
  • Member Directory - all members can choose to be listed in the Club Columbia directory.
  • Membership Renewal - Go here to renew an expiring or expired Club Columbia membership.
  • Email Reminders - Set automatic email reminders for your airplane.
  • AD/SB Archive - Airworthiness Directives, Service Bulletins, and Service Advisories relating to Columbia aircraft are kept here.
  • Flight Simulator models - Columbia models for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 and 2002
  • STC List - Some STCs available for Columbia aircraft
  • Current Avionics Software Versions - the version number of the latest software available for the Columbia avionics is listed here
  • Documents - Various documents relating to Columbia aircraft are stored here.
  • Ride Share Board - Hook up with other Columbia pilots for ferry runs to service centers, etc.
  • Club Columbia Response! - The Club Columbia Response! team will answer specific technical questions for Club Columbia members here.
  • Service Center, or TAN Volunteer - Shows the nearest Columbia owners, service centers, and TAN volunteers to your route of flight
  • Service Center Evaluations - Submit an evaluation for your Service Center or see a review of a Service Center you are considering.

1) Club Columbia is strongly committed to the safe operation of Columbia aircraft. We present information via our website, magazine and other media without representation or warranty as to the suitability or appropriateness of any opinion, recommendation, or suggestion contained therein. It is offered solely to promote discussion among, and for the entertainment of our members. Columbia aircraft are certified and regulated by the FAA and equivalent governmental regulating bodies around the world. Operation and modification of these aircraft except as specifically allowed by these bodies is not advised and potentially in violation of law. Columbia aircraft should always be operated in accordance with the POH, the manufacturer's instructions and governmental regulations. Club Columbia does not recommend operating or altering the aircraft in any manner which deviates from the above or which could impair safety of flight. Before taking any action based upon anything contained in the above media, it is essential that you seek approval from the manufacturer, the appropriate certifying body, your A&P or CFI. The Pilot in Command is always ultimately responsible for the safe operation of any aircraft. As a user of this web site, you expressly acknowledge the above. CLUB COLUMBIA ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR DIRECT DAMAGE OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING INJURY TO PERSONS OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY. THE USER OF THIS WEBSITE AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, DEFEND, AND HOLD CLUB COLUMBIA AND ITS MEMBERS AND AGENTS HARMLESS FROM ALL CLAIMS, ACTIONS, DEMANDS, LOSSES, LIABILITIES, AND EXPENSES ARISING FROM ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN.

2) Any posts on the Club Columbia Forums, including (but not limited to) posts by Club Columbia officers, board members, and volunteers, are the opinion and responsibility of the author of that specific post. No statement should be construed to be the official position of Club Columbia itself, unless explicitly stated.

3) The Club Columbia Logo is a Service Mark of the Columbia Owners and Pilots Association. All Rights Reserved.